domenica 21 aprile 2019

Vaccines, Germany: President of physicians Frank Ulrich Montgomery says to extend the vaccination requirement for other diseases not only for measles .... Even promotes an obligation global vaccination

BERLIN (YF) - From the point of view of the president of the medical Frank Ulrich Montgomery, children should not be vaccinated against measles, but also against other diseases. "Limiting the obligation to vaccinate about individual diseases is problematic because it usually involves the use of multiple vaccines and preparations for individual diseases are no longer available," he told the German publishing network (Saturday). 

Sorry but we have to open a parenthesis:

The single-dose vaccine for Measles does not exist ..... Burioni denied 150 million vaccines

Dr. Serravalle Burioni put the lie and the media hired mainstreaming which continue to account for foraggiati lackeys

The truth is that the big pharmaceutical companies have stopped producing them because they are cheap and for a production issue. Just to give an example, Merck announced in 2009 that it would not resume production of v Accini-ATTENUVAX® monovalent (measles), MUMPSVAX® (mumps vaccine) and MERUVAX® (rubella vaccine)
https: // 
fact for them is much more comfortable and agree to produce multi-component vaccines. To make you understand better that we put a monovalent vaccine costs 10 € a trivalent will cost 30 € so you earn three times as much, you who say what should produce? 

Closing parenthesis 

The requirement to vaccinate should therefore be extended. "All vaccinations that the Commission for the ongoing vaccination is recommended for children today should be mandatory," Montgomery asked. "Only if everyone is vaccinated, we can finally eradicate these diseases." The Standing Vaccination Commission of the Robert Koch Institute currently recommends a quadruple vaccine against measles, mumps, rubella and chicken pox and a hexavalent vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B for children. According to the report, a single measles vaccine is not available in Germany and should be imported. (So now exist?)


Montgomery said that even from a medical point of view, everything is in favor of an obligation to the global vaccine to protect the entire population from life-threatening diseases permanently. Needed are workable strategies. At issue it is forbidden to visit community facilities such as kindergarten or school for children who were not vaccinated. The federal government is preparing proposals for mandatory vaccination, the health minister Jens Spahn (CDU) plans to present in May. It was essentially ruled in favor of mandatory vaccinations against measles for children in kindergartens and schools. The SPD also supports this: Measles is highly contagious and can be fatal in rare cases. 
Adapted from:
News source for German papers: 
 https: //www.zeit .de / wissen / gesundheit / 2019-04 / Masern-impfpflicht-aerztepraesident-frank-ulrich-montgomery 
I repeat ... When the medical practice not exact, touches the personal sphere of human rights, human dignity and the person can not exist no top-down authoritarian measures (mandatory vaccines required by law). Totalitarian regimes of the last century are born from these absolutism defended by ignorance and fideism of those who support this crap.

Related Articles:

Germany: Brandenburg became the first German state parliament to pass a law that excludes children who have not been vaccinated against measles from kindergartens -brandeburgo-and-become-il.html

Immunization Global Europe: the German parliament began to consider laws on compulsory vaccination

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