venerdì 26 aprile 2019

Even President Trump billionaire disguised as a populist throw the mask and promotes vaccines

But I say after all these years people still have not understood that politicians are just an extension of power? 
Then I say that the mind can think that a billionaire can be a populist?  
It states that between Trump and Clinton would have preferred a sloth.You can believe all the stories you want, but to say that a man like trump, for the record in 2016 to 334 th place among the richest men in the world, can resurrect the middle class seems like a bad joke. That is, we realize that we are facing a capitalist disguised as populist? 

The tale of the president "populist" Donald Trump's over a year ago. 

US Raid in Syria.
A net change of position, very much in contrast to what he wrote on Twitter in 2013, when he considered insane attack Damascus It also said the Wall Street Journal: "In Syria, the highest priority is to fight Isis, not Assad." 


Trump: "Via the limits set on polluting emissions from cars ... -inquinanti-of-car /

What have asked manufacturers in 2016 Trump? In the letter sent to Trump, car manufacturers demand to lengthen the time to come into compliance with the cut in CO2 emissions. The new President has also been invited to create a new Presidential Advisory Committee. 

Here you will find a letter of 8 pages: 

Trump has always been an integral part of the system received attacks were just a fiction to make the bait the masses to the tale. In short, the same story that took place in Italy from good American province 
 with the M5S and the League 
But back to the vaccines speech where he also had long understood that Trump had switched sides .... We begin with this recent post of April 2, 2019 on the occasion of World Day of autism ....

Or always a year ago April 30, 2018 

Bill Gates: Trump 'super interested' in investing in universal vaccine against influenza. 
The founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, said he helped President Donald Trump to be "very interested" in a universal vaccine against influenza and the president offered him a position in his administration as a scientific adviser to the White House. 

Alternative source: bill-gates-trump-super-interested-in-universal-flu-vaccine

Here an Italian source of the news:

Or again in February 2019: 

Sorry for the long introduction I know that many are bored to read, but to understand the history we have to remember the facts. 

That said, we read

WASHINGTON April 26, 2019 - US President, Donald Trump, has called on Americans to get vaccinated, so taking the word of measles epidemic in the country.Where was recorded the highest number of cases since 2000. "The vaccinations are so important," he said Trump speaking to reporters at the White House. "They have to do the injections," he added. 
The Trump line on vaccines

Before being elected president, Trump had tied the spectrum of autism often with injections of different doses of vaccines. But recently it did not come to express this view. "I'm not against vaccines of your children, are against the fact of giving it all in a massive dose. Divide them over a long period and autism will be reduced, "he said for example tycoon in September 2014. He had written a number of similar tweets between 2012 and 2015.  

Amidst a growing measles outbreak in the US, Trump just ENCOURAGED people to Their children vaccinated. He spent years pushing anti-vax theories.

111 people are talking about this

The fake outbreak of measles in the US

As of January 1 in the United States were reported 695 measles cases (no deaths), making 2019 the worst year since 2000. Keep in mind that the current population of the United States of 327,932,400 inhabitants based on the latest United Nations estimates. You need a mathematician to understand that there is no epidemic?There's just a business to be protected and the masses must be "educated" to be treated like battery chickens forced to consume and supply the vaccine drugs market on which the lords of globalism have invested rivers of money.

Here the news reported by local and Italian media. 

Ansa /mondo/2019/04/26/morbillo-trump-a-americani-vaccinatevi_f33c26f1-8fff-485d-86df-d23f8a4590d4.html

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